A Matter of Balance (AMOB) is an evidence-based, fall prevention program, developed by Boston University and MaineHealth.
Did you know that 1 in 3 Americans aged 65 and older falls every year? Falls are the leading cause of death and injuries for older Americans. Falls are complicated, and costly. However, they are preventable and they don't have to happen as we age. We know more about preventing falls today than at any point in history. We have more tools to help reduce fall risks than ever before.
Office on Aging is proud to offer AMOB programs in Orange County thanks to our many partnering agencies, at no cost to the participant. AMOB: Managing Concerns About Falls is a program designed to reduce the fear of falling and increase activity levels among older adults.
During the eight week, 2-hour sessions, participants learn to:
- View falls as controllable
- Set goals for increasing physical activity
- Make changes to reduce fall risk at home
- Exercise to increase strength and balance
- Read the Session Outline for additional topics covered.
The program was designed to benefit community-dwelling older adults who:
- Are concerned about falls
- Have sustained falls in the past
- Restrict activities because of concerns about falling
- Are interested in improving flexibility, balance and strength
- Are age 60 or older, ambulatory and able to problem solve
If you know someone who could benefit from AMOB workshop, visit our Office on Aging webpage “Healthy Aging – Calendar” for a workshop near you or call the Office on Aging at 1-800-510-2020 for more information about workshops.
According to the Centers of Medicare and Medicaid, MOB participation is associated with a $938 decrease in total medical costs per participant per year. Since 2010, over 400 older adults in our area have completed the eight-session program. For more information about MOB, please visit https://www.ncoa.org/article/evidence-based-program-a-matter-of-balance.
Interested In Becoming a Host Site for the A Matter of Balance Program:
The Office on Aging is accepting applications from local Orange County community-based organizations that are interested in hosting the AMOB 8-week program. Currently, the Office on Aging is working with local hospitals, community and senior centers, churches, libraries and other locations throughout Orange County to facilitate the AMOB. It is a great opportunity for community organizations that provide direct services to older adults or caregivers. If you would like to be involved in hosting these workshops and are able to:
- Provide private meeting space for at least 15 people
- Be able to host classes on the same day of the week, eight consecutive weeks for 2 hours each day
- Help support and promote the AMOB program by distributing and displaying flyers in your’ lobby/reception area, and/or list the program on the organization’s website/calendar of events, social media
For more information on becoming a AMOB host site, please contact Frank Hernandez by phone at (714) 480-6451 or email at Frank.hernandez@occr.ocgov.com