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Message From Our Director

Information & Assistance Call Center…the Customer is #1!

Dramatic increases in the older adult population and the costs to provide services, coupled with funding cuts pose a challenge for the Office on Aging. Together with community leaders, providers, and advocates, the Office on Aging coordinates with the entire community to maximize resources and make Orange County the best place in America to age with dignity.

Orange County older adults and caregivers are seeking improved access to nutritious food, transportation, in-home services, health care, affordable housing, and opportunities to live active and productive lives. In addition to utilizing the resources available on the Office on Aging website, we encourage you to call our Information and Assistance line at 800-510-2020 to receive information on these critical home and community based services.

The Information and Assistance department is staffed and operated by caring, skilled, bilingual and bicultural information assistance professionals who can assess situations and offer resources tailored to meet individual needs. Translation is available in over 240 languages.

We look forward to being of continued assistance to you and to work collaboratively with you to realize our shared vision for Orange County’s Older Adults.