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Data and Program Reports

Orange County Area Plan

The purpose of the Area Plan is to assess the present and future economic and demographic characteristics of seniors in Orange County, the existing service system, and the operations, role, mission and specific goals and objectives of the Office on Aging.

The process of preparing an Area Plan provides an opportunity to reflect and effectively focus the activities of the Office on Aging by involving older individuals, their families and care providers. It provides a format and structure to identify needs and options for addressing issues of concern in a manner consistent with the broad focus of the Older Americans Act and the Older Californians Act.

The Area Plan is a document that not only fulfills the mandates set forth in law, but also informs the public and policy-makers on how the Office on Aging plans to address local needs and assess its effectiveness in accomplishing stated goals and objectives.


Orange County Area Plan update

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Orange County Report on Older Adults

Over 450,000 older adults (aged 65 and older) account for 14.3% of Orange County’s population. By 2045, this number is projected to increase to 17.3%. As more adults reach retirement, they will face a new set of economic, social, health, and lifestyle challenges associated with aging. Currently, Orange County is not in a position to provide adequate support and care to meet the needs and challenges of this inevitably growing aging population.

This report is intended to educate community-based organizations, city and county government representatives, funders and the general public on the most pressing needs of Orange County’s aging population. REPORT


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