OC Caregiver Survey Key Findings
A majority of friends and family members revealed that caregiving could be emotionally, physically and/or financially challenging, resulting in negative impacts on their social lives and increases feelings of isolation or depression. Their areas of greatest concern were related to lack of sufficient time for their responsibilities or themselves and knowing what resources were available to them. Given their time constraints, it was not surprising that caregivers preferred online support over in-person support. In addition, nearly all, 9 out of 10 participants, expressed interest in free respite care. Despite these challenges, caregivers shared that they find a great deal of value, meaning and comfort in their role as a caregiver for a loved one, including the importance of being able to spend time with the person for whom they were providing the care. They also acknowledged helping those who they cared for contributed to them being able to live and remain at home. Thus, it will be important to learn more about how to provide more effective respite care, which may include tailoring the care according to the medical condition or needs of the patient (i.e., physical/mobility, medication support, memory/dementia-related concerns, etc.). More education and awareness on the value of intergenerational support and connection, as well as self-care and wellness may also be worth exploring as ways of increasing quality of life, options and capacity for caregiving.
OC Paid Provider Survey Key Findings
According to paid providers responses, the top health or social concerns amongst the clients they serve are in order of highest concern; (1) “Alzheimer disease and dementia”(2) “caregiving” (3)“mental health” and (4)“disability.” These findings are consistent with many of those identified by older adults and caregivers. Although more than half of paid providers indicated it was moderately easy to access services for older adults, nearly one in five indicated services were “not at all easy” to access. Providers also indicate it required at least a moderate level of effort to stay current on available programs and services. Finally, a little over half answered that services for older adults were generally available but not at the level needed to meet the needs of the communities in which they worked, suggesting that County of Orange may be able to close service gaps and increase capacity through education and promotion of existing resources rather than building up a new infrastructure of services and supports.