Overarching Themes & Trends


The following are overall themes and trends that emerged across the Older Adults Needs Assessment findings:

  • From a list of 31 items covering health, lifestyle and social concerns, the top concern was Alzheimer’s Disease and dementia both in the community survey as well as the paid provider survey. Similarly, “memory loss” was the second highest endorsed mental health concern.
  • Cost of living/economic insecurity and financial stress were top contributors to people’s behavioral health issues, and financial stress was the top contributor to people’s medical concerns.
  • The top reasons preventing older adults from seeking support services, medical care and mental and behavioral health care were lack of information about where to get help, appointments not available at convenient times and the high cost of services/copays.
  • Participants rated the top three important services for older adults as:

       1. Transportation assistance
       2. In-home care services
       3. Meal delivery and Fitness/wellness programs (both were equally ranked)

  • Higher “concerns” related to becoming homeless, financial means and lack of insurance were reported by those within the 55 – 64 years old. In addition, home ownership was reported less within this age range.
  • Not all participants were interested in the internet and technology, particularly among those 80 years and older, those who identified as Hispanic/Latino and Spanish-speaking participants. This suggests the best way to reach these populations may be communication modes not related to technology or the internet.
  • A high rate of participants reported experiencing discrimination. The top three causes were:

        49% based on age, with those 70 years and older reporting higher rates
        36% based on race or ethnicity
        23% based on language

  • Overall, Orange County was rated favorably as a place to retire and for its opportunities for community involvement. Seal Beach was highly rated as a city, suggesting that practices, models and services provided in the area are positively viewed by residents.
  • Although caregiving by friends and family takes a social, emotional and physical toll, they also report deriving comfort and meaning from their role as a caregiver.
  • When asked what the County government’s role should be in meeting the needs of older adults, 2% of the participants selected “do as little as possible.” The top three endorsed roles were:

        58% provide a safety net covering basic human needs
        47% be an educator, providing information on health and resources
        45% be a facilitator, directing resources and services

Although there was effort to reach and oversample smaller populations, people did not always respond to all questions. This resulted in an inability to include all subgroups across comparisons.