What is elder abuse?
Elder abuse is a crime and includes physical, emotional, sexual and financial abuse, and neglect (learn more). Last year, over 10,000 abuse reports were investigated by SSA Adult Protective Services (APS), an increase of over 19% compared with 2014. Read some vignettes about elder abuse, and test your knowledge on the subject.
Why should I care?
The 65+ population is the fastest growing age group in OC. Nationally it is estimated that 5 million, or 1 in 10 seniors, are victims of elder abuse annually, with an economic cost of over $30 billion. Experts believe that for every case reported, over 20 cases go unreported. Watch to hear more. (The document is a PowerPoint that needs to be opened and the slideshow started in order to view).
Where can I go for help?
If you suspect someone is being abused or neglected, report it!
- Adult Protective Services, 800-451-5155, investigates abuse in private homes and unlicensed board and care homes.
- Long Term Care (LTC) Ombudsman Office, 800-300-6222, investigates abuse in residential facilities (e.g., nursing and board and care homes).
For emergency shelters and/or counseling for victims of elder abuse, call Safe Options for Seniors Human Options at 877-854-3594.
What can I do to help?
Many County Agencies are in the business of helping seniors, but if you want to have a more active role in the lives of seniors outside of your County job, you can:
Resources for Seniors
Daily needs: List of OC resources (help with food, transportation, housing, medical care and in-home care)
Data: the Older Adult Dashboard provides insight into how those 65+ are faring.
Learn how to protect yourself and others!