Orange County Older Adults Needs Assessment

Orange County Older Adults Needs Assessment​


In preparation for the development of the Orange County Master Plan on Aging (OCMPA), the County of Orange conducted a needs assessment through a series of surveys to better understand the opinions, perspectives and circumstances of older adults who reside in Orange County and their caregivers. The information presented within this website represents the collective feedback and highlights areas that Orange County residents believe are important or can be improved.

The three surveys were:​

  • The Orange County Older Adults Community Survey. This survey was voluntary and intended for those 55 years and older who resided in OC at the time they completed the assessment. Survey findings are displayed within all five of the CA State goals.​
  • The Orange County Caregiver Survey. This survey was administered to those eighteen years old and older who care for adults who reside in Orange County who are 65 years old and older. Survey findings are within CA State goal 4.​
  • The Orange County Paid Provider Survey. This survey was administered to those who are paid providers primarily for older adult Orange County residents. Survey findings are within CA State goal 4.

Orange County Survey Results within California’s Five Goals

Goal 1

Goal 1: Housing for all Ages & Stages

We will live where we choose as we age in communities that are age–, disability– and dementia–friendly and climate– and disaster–ready.

As described in the CA Master Plan for Aging, this goal focuses on community planning which includes housing for older adults designed to accommodate different...


Goal 2: Health Reimagined

We will have access to the services we need to live at home in our communities and to optimize our health and quality of life.

As described in the CA Master Plan for Aging, this goal frames health as a lifelong journey and strives to support aging adults in continuing to live well within their homes...

Goal 3

Goal 3: Inclusion & Equity, Not Isolation

We will have lifelong opportunities for work, volunteering, engagement and leadership and will be protected from isolation, discrimination, abuse, neglect and exploitation.

As described in the CA Master Plan for Aging, this goal focuses on continuing, evolving and creating new opportunities for...

Goal 4

Goal 4: Caregiving that Works

We will be prepared for and supported through the rewards and challenges of caring for aging loved ones.

As described in the CA Master Plan for Aging, caregiving will be needed at some point in most people’s lives. This goal focuses on ensuring support is provided for caregivers, which include those...

Goal 5

Goal 5: Affordable Aging

We will have economic security for as long as we live.

As described in the CA Master Plan for Aging, this goal focuses on economic security which is essential to living and aging well. This goal recognizes changes in individuals no longer able to rely on their past income, which consisted of a...