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Case Management Programs

Case Management Programs provide assistance to older adults who are at risk of being institutionalized after illness, injury or cognitive decline. A case manager evaluates the client to determine the services necessary to keep them functioning well at home. The case manager then links the older adult with these services.

After the initial assessment, the case manager develops an individualized care plan. This plan may include connecting the older adult with day activity programs, home delivered meals, home safety modifications, housing, personal care, medical equipment, transportation and other appropriate support. The goal is to reduce the risk of premature institutionalization. There is an ongoing review process to ensure that the required services are being provided to the senior and, as necessary. The plan is adjusted to meet the changing needs of the individual.

For more information about Case Management, please contact the Office on Aging at:

* If you are calling from outside of Orange County, California,or from a cellular phone.