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Home Delivered Meals

The Home-Delivered Meal program helps provide meals regularly to homebound seniors who are over the age of 60. The program provides two or three meals a day, Monday through Friday. Some providers also provide frozen and/or cold weekend meals to seniors who need them. These are delivered on Thursday and Friday, as there are no meal deliveries on Saturday or Sunday. The program is monitored by a Registered Dietitian (RD) who is responsible for assuring the nutrient content of the meals. Nutritionally, the meals comply with the Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDAs) for adults age 51 and over, and with the USDA Nutrition Guidelines for Americans. In total, nutrient levels meet 1/3 of the RDAs if one meal/day is provided, 2/3's if two meals are provided, and 100% if three meals are delivered.

The Congregate Nutrition and Home Delivered Meal programs are provided to seniors regardless of their ability to pay, however voluntary donations are very much appreciated.

For more information about Senior Congregate & Home Delevered Meal Services in Southern California, please call the Office on Aging at:
