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Caregiver Support

Connect to these COVID-19-related resources

Click on the links below.

Caregiving Issues & Strategies, Legal Issues, Advanced Care Planning

Assists with quality respite and crisis care; helps caregivers and families find funding, providers, and support; FAQ sheets

Home and community based services through Medi-Cal

Find local events for caregivers to take a break with shared interest groups

In-home care services, transportation, respite care for caregivers

"Caregiver Action Network, we are family caregivers too, so we get it. Caregivers are great at planning ahead and managing unexpected health crises, but with COVID-19 there wasn’t time to plan and it’s hard to keep track of the rapidly changing, and sometimes conflicting, information available. We are going to get through this together. Here are some tips that can help keep you and your loved ones as safe as possible until this is over." - Caregiver Action Network

A program of Council of Aging - Southern California

​​​​​​​Health Insurance Counseling and Advocacy Program (HICAP) from the Council on Aging – Southern California

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