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Grief and Loss

Connect to these COVID-19-related resources

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St. Joseph’s/Providence Hospital


Mission Hospital, Laguna Beach

  • 10 week courses
  • Tuesdays, 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
  • CALL to sign up: 949-499-1311, ext 7133  


Saddleback Memorial Care Hospital


Hoag Hospital

For those individuals who have recently lost a loved one, these 1.5 hour groups offer heartfelt support and guidance with feelings of loneliness, loss and isolation, learning how to live with grief, and moving forward. Groups meet weekly in Irvine at Family Services OC (Tuesdays at 2:00 pm) and Laguna Woods (Wednesdays 10:00 am). 

SoMang Society was established with the mission of promoting ‘Well-Aging, Well-Dying.’ Death is something that is part of our lives and our programs help participants to better prepare for the last stages of their lives. Support in Korean and English.

Tustin & Laguna Hills


Serving Farsi, Spanish, Vietnamese, English,

Offers a support group for bereavement, grief, and separation issues

Offers workshops and classes that address the emotional and social aspects of illness, grief, abuse, and stress through the language of color and painting to provide encouragement and motivation for individuals. While the workshops are therapeutic, facilitators are not therapists. English and Spanish available.

Provides 24/7 online support for individuals and families experiencing the loss of a child.  Administrators and moderators are bereaved family members who have been trained to offer support. Offers AGAST: Alliance of Grandparents -  for grandparents who have experienced the death of a grandchild.


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