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Connect to these COVID-19-related resources

Click on the "+" to expand for more information.

Broad Support and Connections to Services (Food, health and mental health, housing, Covid- 19, caregiver support, family assistance, social engagement, benefits guidance, and more).

Council on Aging Southern California


Orange County Office on Aging




Orange County 211


Veterans Outreach OC (affordable housing)


Orange County Veterans and Military Families Collaborative

VA Long Beach Healthcare System


VA Community Health Care Clinics

  • Anaheim: (714) 763-5300
  • Santa Ana: (714) 434-4600
  • Laguna Hills: (949) 587-3700


VA Long Beach Caregiver Support Program


VA COVID-19 Wellness and Mental Health Phone App – COVID COACH

The app was created for everyone, including veterans and servicemembers, to support self-care and overall mental health during the pandemic.

OC Veterans Service Office

Phone: 714-480-6555


Email address:

Available 24/7


Videos mainly related to financial stability and mental health during COVID-19, including Unemployment, Stimulus, GI Bills

Downloadable Resources

  • COVID Coach
    • A free, easy-to-use mobile application created for everyone, including Veterans and Servicemembers, to support self-care and overall mental health during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. It was developed by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) in 2020. The app connects you to resources to help you cope with stress, stay healthy, stay connected, and navigate parenting, caregiving, and working at home while social distancing or sheltering in place. COVID Coach is not meant to replace professional care related to COVID-19 or mental health conditions.
  • 30 Days of Self Care with COVID COACH
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